4th May, 2021
28th February, 2020
Very happy to help in the the Blaby District Council and Braunstone Town Council by-elections. Which saw our two Labour Candidates Leanne Marie Lee and Nick Brown elected. A great boost to the campaign to elect a Labour Police and Crime Commissioner.
24th October, 2019
I would like to thank all the Labour Party members for selecting me to be their candidate for Police and Crime Commissioner in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.
I have already started campaigning and many thanks for all the invitations to attend events, keep them coming.
It was great to be with Stuart Brady Labour PPC for Loughborough and Emily Thornberry MP Shadow Foreign Secretary in Loughborough campaigning for a Labour Government that we all need so much.
It was good to meet old friends including Jenny Lewis, Jim Roberts, and to thank my supporters throughout the selection campaign.
9th July, 2019
Today I launch my campaign to become the next Labour Police and Crime Commissioner for Leicester Leicestershire & Rutland
I have just been shortlisted and the successful candidate will be chosen by a vote of all Party members later this month.
This is a chance to campaign for Labour and expose the failings of the Tory government.
British policing resources have been “drained to dangerously low levels”, The cuts, have along with the “virtual destruction” of neighbourhood policing “contributed to the feeling of lawlessness” generated by knife crime and county lines drugs.
These are not my words but those of five ex-Met Police Chiefs, last Friday.
Locally we have lost upwards of 500 police officers and millions of pounds. Added to this are the Tory Government cuts in public services, which have devastated community resilience and services for young people. This is not a time for business as usual.
My focus will be on:
We need a Labour Government with Jeremy Corbyn as PM to reverse these cuts as we have pledged to do. But we can do things locally. Willy Bach the first Labour PCC has created 107 new police officers. I will build on that. I will create a diverse leadership team reflecting the population we serve. I will use positive action to improve the diversity of the Force.
9th June, 2019
Many thanks to the voters of Rushey Mead for electing me as one of their three councillors for the fourth consecutive time on May 2nd.
It was good to meet so many people whilst out campaigning, as well as taking up so many issues and problems. All of which have been sorted or are still in progress of being resolved.
Congratulations to all my colleagues on Leicester City Council which is now has only one councillor who is not Labour.
25th October, 2017
Disappointingly the Labour Group voted by a majority not to have any debate at the full council meeting on the cuts to the youth service.
Five of us had signed a ‘call in’ notice that meant the decision to cut the service by more than half was put on hold until it went to the Council meeting on the 5th October. I proposed that two years funding for the service should come from the £7.4m underspend that the council is sitting on. This money still remains unallocated and despite being asked several times, in public, the Mayor has refused to give details of what it will be spent on. Two years funding would safeguard the service at it’s current level until the next elections.
I would like to thank the large number of councillors and Party members who supported the proposal and have spoken out against the cuts.
It remains clear that these cuts remain unnecessary when the council has £7.4 milllion unspent in it’s back pocket.
I am sure the debate on this will continue.
6th September, 2017
The city mayor is proposing to cut the youth service in half by removing £923,000 of its budget. This will mean the loss of 20-30 highly experienced youth workers, the reduction of youth work session from 42 to 12 per week and one-to-one street work. Thousands of children could end up with nowhere to go. This is at a time when the number of young people in the city is growing.
It is not necessary to save this money to balance the budget as has been claimed. The council underspent by £7.4 million last year. This is not a one off underspend. Every year for the past six years there has been an underspend of a similar amount. Something that happens every year for six years is by definition ‘not one off’. This is £30 million of cuts that the council did not need to make.
I have asked officers of the Council for a list of what the £7.4million is to be spent on. You would think that if it was so necessary to cut the youth service by nearly £1million to fund something else they would know what? Well the answer was “we don’t know yet”. Why are we being asked to support cuts to the youth service when we don’t even know what the saving will be spent on? This is clearly not right.
The city mayor is also proposing cuts in other areas: to voluntary groups, libraries, and the welfare rights advice service all of which might not be necessary if we put this £7.4million back into the budget.
Many Party members are concerned about this and some have written to the Mercury about this.
I think it’s time for a rethink. Why are we spending £1.3m on the disastrous new pavements in Belvoir Street when this money could be used to protect our youth service, our welfare rights service and our libraries?
Dear Editor
We, as members of the Labour Party across Leicester, and in some cases elected officers, are writing to congratulate the five Labour councillors who have objected to the proposal to cut funding to youth services in Leicester by half, with the loss of over 20 staff.
The youth service is really important for our city. It supports young people in every community to achieve their best in life. Cutting youth work sessions down from 42 to 12 per week, and one-to-one street work, means that thousands of young people will have nowhere to go.
At the same time the Council is putting an underspend of £7.4 million in a pot to spend on things that are not even yet decided.
We believe this underspend should be used to protect and improve our youth service and benefit thousands of young people every year.
It was claimed on BBC East Midlands News that some of this £7.4million will help to create jobs. But this amounts to removing 20 to 30 highly experienced and trained youth workers just on the promise that some of this money can be used to create some more jobs somewhere else, yet to be decided. This makes no sense at all.
We think this is wrong, and ask the City Mayor to take another look at these proposals. For the last six years the council has underspent by £35 million and we think it’s time that we invested more in our children.
The Mayor and some of his councillors have recently signed an Open Letter calling for a national campaign against the Tory government’s cuts to local government. Is it now not time to transfer that fighting spirit from petitions to action?
Yours sincerely,
Andy Wynne, Harry Stannard, Sam Sharmann-Dunn, Chris Willars, Jacqui Nangreve, Gary O’Donnell, Mandy Graham, Peter Flack, Geoff Field, Kevin Sherriff, Debbie Field, Stephen Foster, Andrea Burford, David Cross, Liz Warren
18th May, 2017
The people of Rushey mead are not giving up and are still campaigning to keep their library from being closed
by the City Council.
They were joined outside Belgrave Neighbourhood Centre, by campaigners from Belgrave who fought to keep Belgrave Library open
They have pointed out that the Council underspent last year by £5.4 million, so it is totally unnecessary to close the library to save £14,000.
They make a good point. We are continually told by the city mayor that we need to save money and that facilities must close. At the same time it is possible to give a newly formed group, with absolutely no track record £3million to subsidise a business venture in the former Haymarket Theatre.
None of this adds up.
Local councillors are being asked to explain how the city mayor can find £3million for a ciity centre business and not £14,000 for Rushey Mead Library. We don’t have an answer. Neither can we explain why we need to cut £14,000 when we have a £5.4 million underspend. There clearly is no need to close the Library to make a saving.
Local people are asking the city mayor to rethink in the light of these new facts.